Monday 28 May 2018

Splake Hunters 2018

(Top row - left to right) Brent Giant, Tight Line, the Demon, Dunk-A-Lew, Flint, Dr. O
and Wrong Way
(Bottom Row- left to right) Fire Bug and Jake le Snake

We once again had a wonderful trip into the wilds of Algonquin park. We ate well, shared stories, fished and listened to the haunting calls of the loons (all freakin' night!)

Huron Paddle's spirit has moved on

The Huron paddle, crafted by the skilled arts of Dr. O thirteen years ago, finally gave it's last at the end of our trip. The Brent Giant was powering up a beaver dam chute with Tight Line in the bow and at the top of the dam the Huron paddle breathed it's last and with a thunderous crack it released it's spirit back into the wilds.

Good news though... a new paddle is being born to once again embrace the power of the ancient wilderness spirits.

Strong finish

He finished strong by pulling in three trout in the rain.

Where are we?

There are apparently 3 ways to determine 'north'... this fact provided hours of endless debate.


Dr. O cleans the trophy laker.

Fog rolls in

Rain on the horizon. At least there was no wind.

To each their own

Flint enjoys the dish, while Jake le Snake can't understand why...

Sore shoulder

Jake le Snake has a low tone trip as he's recovering from being kicked in the shoulder during a soccer match. He managed to have a restful time.


Brothers Flint and Fire Bug heading out into the great unknown together.

Cooking for Grampy

Quickly scrapping off the black crust before Dr. O sees.

Man the PUMPS!

Fire Bug saves the fleet by proactively pumping out bilge water.

Mmm Toast!

Dr. O has perfected the campfire toasting method.

Fire and ice

What happens at camp, stays at camp!

Swirling smoke

The smoke was swirling so bad weather was on the way... good fishing weather though!

Quick action

With the Yogies fast approaching, the Demon ditches the sweet sweet goods.

Enough said

A picture is worth a thousand words...

Well supplied

Dr. O has all the devices know to man for survival in the bush... so wearing a life vest on dry land makes good sense.


Dr. O helps Fire Bug steady a log for cutting. Wrong Way supervises the technique used to make the cut.

The Demon warms by the fire

We had the fire burning day and night. We put a 'punky' log on it for overnight so we would still have flame in the morning.

Friday 25 May 2018

Healthy appetite

Tight Line Hoovers his breakfast... seriously, he isn't posing for the shot.

Wrong Way eats fast

"Growing up, if you didn't eat fast you didn't eat!"
(notice the blurred fork)

Classic pose

Dr. O in his classic pose... He took many power naps again this year.


Here is a hint as to where you can rope in Brookies... not this year though.

And the winner is...

The Brent Giant caught this beauty in 20 ft of water near the end of the lake.

Garage sale

Is there anything we don't have out of the MEC catalogue?
I don't think so.

Trophy Catch

This 2.25 lb, 20" Laker won the weekend as the largest trout caught. Thanks for holding up my fish Tight Line!

Oh Magic Heat Genie...hear meeeeee

We saw our breath every morning and night. Here is the Demon and Dunk-A-Lew trying to get the feeling back into their hands.

Fire bug eyes the fire

If he's not wrestlin' with his brother, this Splake Hunter can be found collecting fire wood and tending the flames.

A place for everything and everything in it's place.

Wrong Way works the kitchen like one of the
World's most decorated Michelin Chefs!

Foggy start to the day

We knew we were in for a wet day when we rose on Saturday morning. We caught four trout in the rain though... two right off of a camp site where the anglers were complaining about thier bad luck.


Less burnt eggs, thick bacon and old spuds...mmm

Tight Line deep in thought

Over the years, Tight Line has commented on the amount of gear at camp... this year he just grumbled quietly to himself.

Packaged Bacon in the pan?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you should take the bacon out of the package before cooking it...

Fire side chat

Fire bug and Tight Line share a few stories around the fire... what we learned about Grampy (Dr. O) and Uncle (Wrong Way) was a little disturbing.

Paddlin' is a wet business

Luckily the paddle gloves do dry quicky!

Balance meal

Always a healthy balance in our bush meals. Maybe a little more starch...

Just Deserts

Deserts in the Dutch Oven included a Cherry Chocolate Dump Cake with chocolate chips, Apple Dump Cake with cinnamon, and a Peach Cobbler. Everyone had a different favourite.

Dead Moose Point

Our armata made landfall in the early afternoon under a bright blue sky.

Nice Brookie

We were hauling in Brookies at a variety of depths. This was the best one for size.

Tranquil surroundings

The water was very cold. The ice left the lake only a week ago. Loons were calling day and night.

Thursday 24 May 2018

The table is set

Dr. O listens intently to Fire Bug as he explains why he doesn't like meat.

BBQ Heaven

Thick, juicy steaks! We ate like Kings out in the wilderness, thanks to Wrong Ways much improved culinary skills.

Tasty pan fryer

With Tight Line grumbling in the bow... the Brent Giant was just ropin' them!


Yes, Dunk-A-Lew has returned again with the Demon in tow. Not much fishing from this Splake Hunter, but he did bring coffee!

Tight Line was pouting

Out fished by the Brent Giant, this Splake Hunter resorted to copying his rig. Shocking behaviour from the once leader of the angling pack.

Demon Brew

Demon is still the rebel.

Wrong Way to cook

We had our camp cook in action again this year. Once again he brought his BBQ!

Busy time

The island site was taken, as was almost every other site. We met a few campers on the lake fishing, but none had much to say... very quite and secretive they were.


The lake had many loons which were feeding close to us. They didn't seems to be frightened as we paddled by so we could get quite close.

Calm Paddle

It was a calm paddle in this year... little wind and not too hot.